Supports decisions to synchronize your production and supply chain.

The essence of TOC for operations is to focus on the correct Throughput Constraints.
C&DS provides decision insights for all operational functions.

Finite Capacity Planning
A necessary tool for making operational decisions. Each customer request can be reviewed before making a commitment, taking into account operational constraints (Capacity, Inventory).
Focus on the bottleneck and buffers guarantees a stable planning in line with reality without becoming over sophisticated.
MTO (Make to Order) MTS (Make to Stock) Or MTO MTS combination.

Availability at minimum Inventory
Purchasing / Finished goods / Raw material / Semi finished goods / Supply chain.
C&DS Classic algorithms or DDMRP Logic.
These technique have dynamic adjustments, pipeline control, continuous monitoring for (often rapidly changing) priorities. Supports the right Make/Buy/Ship/Priority decisions to guarantee availability at minimum inventory on all levels of the supply chain.
Availability at minimum Inventory
Purchasing / Finished goods / Raw material / Semi finished goods / Supply chain.
C&DS Classic algorithms or DDMRP Logic.
These technique have dynamic adjustments, pipeline control, continuous monitoring for (often rapidly changing) priorities. Supports the right Make/Buy/Ship/Priority decisions to guarantee availability at minimum inventory on all levels of the supply chain.

Performance Measurements
A strong and reliable delivery performance with minimal inventory is one of the outcomes of operations guided by C&DS. Performance measurements are coherent and built into the logic. Every decision-maker can have an online view of the real performance and reasons for deviation.

Buffer management for execution
Is a unique technique that creates the necessary protection for a global supply chain and avoids over-protection. The correct signals are crucial for achieving a smooth flow, and therefore, the built-in monitoring system is necessary to ensure delivery performance. The same mechanism is used to guide priorities in execution to create a coherent environment.
Buffer management for execution
Is a unique technique that creates the necessary protection for a global supply chain and avoids over-protection. The correct signals are crucial for achieving a smooth flow, and therefore, the built-in monitoring system is necessary to ensure delivery performance. The same mechanism is used to guide priorities in execution to create a coherent environment.

The TOC Process Of On-Going Improvement is a diagnostic tool for mapping the obstacles to flow by using a combination of Queue monitoring and event tracking . It is also the platform for online communication for operations . It includes reporting on causes and automatically generates Pareto analyses to identify the most impactful causes . It avoids wasting time on symptom and provides the right signals for identifying the next constraints.
Curious about what C&DS can do for your company?
For contact please write an email to: patrick@leonard.be.
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