Eldra is a cable-manufacturing company, specialized in development of innovative cable-solutions.

Those solutions are implemented in systems and networks like: Information Technology, Communication, Electronical applications, Industrial, Utility and Infrastructure domains.


The implemented C&DS application covers production management and internal supplychain.

Stock management of the finished goods, work in process, semi-finished and raw material.

Capacity planning, combining MTO MTS (Make to order and make to stock), including industrial ATP (Available to promise).

C&DS Buffermanagement supports the daily decision process by priorities on the shop floor, including issue management.

Process Of On-going improvement.

Duration: The implementation was completed in 8 months.



  • The lead -times have been reduced and the efficiency and the flexibility improved. At the same time the semi-finished products and the raw materials have been reduced by more than 30 %.
  • The first tangible results appeared 3 months after the implementation started.

Although 70% of the production is Make To Stock, the C&DS dynamic replenishment – module appeared to give the right information for a better inventory management. It not only created a better insight but also improved the internal communication.