Brabantia manufactures and distributes “branded” metal and plastic household items like: ironing tables, pedal bins, post boxes, drying mills, gadgets, can openers, lunch boxes and household cans.
Distribution in 80 countries in Europe and world – wide.
5 manufacturing sites: Belgium, The Netherlands, Latvia, China and UK.
3 distribution Centers: Belgium, UK, US.
Domain of application:
Operations and international supply chain.
C&DS Supply chain: Management of the stock – levels and the material flow between the plants and the DC’s (Distribution Centers)
C&DS Dynamic Replenishment: daily management of the finished-goods, semi-finished goods and raw materials.
C&DS Buffermanagement: Priorities in execution on the shop-floor, including issue-management. Gives pro-active signals to anticipate future constraints.
C&DS POOGI: Process Of On-Going Improvement.
The complete implementation has been finished in 12 months.
Very high Service-level with drastic inventory reductions ( – 40%) through the global supplychain.
Improved synchronization between the different links of the international supplychain including the purchase-department, local and distant productions, central and local warehouses.
Facilitator for other IT-solutions.
The planned investment for building an additional warehouse in UK has been canceled. Instead of it the UK warehouse is 50% empty while the service level improved.